Tidy Up Tuesday – Vol. 4

Following the KonMari method of tidying up is hard. After the first couple easy categories – clothes and papers – it’s really hard. Where do you start? How do you gather everything in one place, especially when you don’t even realize you have things? Maybe what I’m doing now is still purging and moving items to temporary homes.

I’ve made a little progress though and I’m very happy with what I’ve done so far, though I’m not as far as I’d hoped I would be.

Bedroom Closet

BEFORE – Confession, the white laundry basket of crap? I didn’t actually go through it all. Or the little blue basket. But I did sort through a bunch, I promise. And even so, the after looks a thousand times better!

AFTER – I actually did remove the white hanging “shelf” shortly after I took this photo. I moved the contents into the white drawers instead.  You can’t see in the photo, but there’s also a crib mattress behind the laundry baskets and the drawers. I need to get rid of that, but until I do, it’s staying.

I don’t know about you guys, but my closet is somewhat of a catch all. Now that the clothes situation is under control I really wanted to tackle the closet. One of these days I’m going to get around to buying a shower rod to hang curtains over the closet. I really hated the accordion doors that were originally on the closets so I had hubby remove them years ago to hang curtains. We just never got around to hanging the curtains…



Hair Accessories

This is one of the drawers in my bathroom (we only have one bathroom for all 4 of us, deal breaker for some, but I grew up in a house with 6 of us – 3 of whom were teenage girls! – and 1 bathroom, so… it’s nothing new.) The silver case in the front is full of random hair crap. We rarely opened it because it was such a mess we didn’t want to bother digging. Pointless, right? There’s also a jumble of cords and cases between the hair dryer, my InStyler, and hubby’s razor, plus other miscellaneous items. This drawer has been stressing me for years, so I finally tackled it. I didn’t take an after pic (oops) so I’ll try to get that posted in the next Tidy Up Tuesday, but it’s so much better, if not perfect.

If you have long hair like me, daughters – also like me – then you probably have an insane amount of hair binders and accessories. I’ll probably weed out more than I already did, but for now it all fits, so it’s staying. I actually just bought a whole new back of hair binders because I could only find a couple. Then I clean out this drawer and discover… well.. it turns out I had a lot of binders that were just shoved in the drawers and buried!

Amazing, right??? It’s organized by type, size, and the binders are even color coordinated! It fits perfectly in the top drawer with the brushes and the girls can easily choose exactly which color binder or which hair clip they want to wear. (This doesn’t even include their stash of hair bows/flowers hanging on the wall in their bedroom.) Every time I open this drawer now I just feel so happy!

And finally, I took an old point and shoot camera box (after throwing out the CD and paperwork that I never even opened in the 5 years since I bought the camera!) and while they fit a little snug, at least they’re easy to see and grab. I’ll probably weed these out so I don’t have quite so many identical colors (I’m looking at you white!) But that’s a job for another day.


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